Messier 105, also known as NGC3379 is an E1 elliptical galaxy. It is still forming new stars but very slowly. It is approximately 36 Mly away and can be .... M105 (ou NGC 3379) est une galaxie elliptique située dans la constellation du Lion.

Découverte: M105 a été observée par Pierre Méchain le 24 mars 1781, .... Messier 105 was discovered in 1781, lies about 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (The Lion), and is the brightest .... Five new presumed members of this group have been found in a wide vicinity of M 105 ( N G C 3379 ⁠).

Currently, the group has a population of 83 .... by ID Karachentsev · 2023 — The group of galaxies around M 105 appears to be an intermediate link between the poor groups and the closest galaxy clusters Fornax and Virgo..